Mileage Reimbursement Form Instructions

Guilford County Schools has moved to an online tool to for submitting Mileage Reimbursement forms. The address is:

1.       Login with your GCS credentials and Click Login.

2.       Your information will be pre-populated into the form, based on your completing the form from a GCS computer that you have logged into.

3.       To add a destination, click on Add New



4.       This box will appear within the form.

5.       Click on the Trip Date and select the date of your trip

6.       For Departure address, click on the drop-down arrow, if your departure address is a GCS site. If not, click on Non-GCS site and type in the address (full address as shown on page 3).

7.       For Destination Address, click on the drop-down arrow if your destination address is a GCS site. If not, click on Non-GCS site and type in the address.

8.       If it is a round trip, please check the box for “Check if Round Trip”

9.       Please include any notes you think appropriate to describe reason for your trip in the Notes section.

10.   Click on Save Trip



11.   A Message box will appear, letting you know the distance.

12.   Click on OK

13.   You will get another confirmation box. Click OK


14.   If you have other trips that you need to include for the month, complete steps 3-13 until all have been entered.

15.   Then click in the circle beside Agree.





16.   You will then be given a drop-down box for you to select your Director/Principal/Supervisor/Department Head.

17.   After you have clicked on your Department Head’s name, click Submit.



18.   Once you click Submit, a window will appear.


19.   Click OK



20.   The entire form will now appear on your screen. You can save it as a .pdf file or take a screen shot and save it as a picture file for your records.


You can view past months by clicking on For the Month of: